Justice Avenue Archive


June 24 2021

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Author notes

June 24 2021

this is based on true events of me running into my moms room to blast this song and fortnite dance for no reason other than to bother her

Sym's notes

May 08 2024

I did in fact do this dance at my mom, in a similar way. This is something that had just happened when I made it, and I thought it was so funny that I drew it immediately. This would unintentionally start the long strip format! And set up how the rest of the comics ended up being drawn. This episode also marks Justice Avenue’s departure from being on Webtoon. I was so jaded with the company that on top of the fact that I still didn’t know what I wanted for the comic, I didn’t want Webtoon’s influence tainting my relationship with my characters. It wasn’t until later that year I’d realize I’d have the biggest burnout I’ve ever had.

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