Justice Avenue Archive


May 19 2019

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Author notes

May 19 2019

final part of the prologue! next episode will feature color--

Sym's notes

May 08 2024

Lucas’s episode was tricky. His creation and later integration into the group is akin to a childhood friend moving away and then coming back later. He’s always kinda been there, watching from the sidelines, but didn’t fully get brought on into a trio until high school. So, it kinda reflects that! Him watching, before joining in and helping. He’s the rock of the trio, and is usually the most level-headed (unless it involves his own feelings). He also grew softer over time, which I think I portrayed well!

He’s also the finisher of the three part ‘prologue’ if you could even call it that?
I just really wanted to make sure I introduced the three of us! Since it was initially going to mostly be about us.

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