Justice Avenue Archive


May 19 2019

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Author notes

May 19 2019

part one of a three-part prologue!

Sym's notes

May 08 2024

This is when I was only posting on Webtoon at the time. I was trying to go for a thematic comic, I guess? So I figured that introducing Liam, Lucas, and I as we grew up with each other was a good way to go about it. We’ve all been together for a while, so it only made sense. My episode was mostly about how I was drawing when I was a kid, and continued until now, shown by the piles and piles of art I amassed, and then getting better quality on the outskirts. I drew a lot!

The first drawing I remember ever taking seriously was a drawing of Mew from Pokemon. Unfortunately, the original drawing is lost to time. But, I still remember it fondly, and it’s kinda fitting with the whole ‘last universal common ancestor to all Pokemon’ vibe— since it’s the first of many later art pieces.
I also referenced this when I made my Passing Through (Can’t the Future Just Wait) Animatic!

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